Differences Between Humic and Fulvic Acid
Humic and fulvic acid originate from the same source—the decomposition of plant and animal matter. Despite sharing similar beginnings, the two have varying properties, benefits, and applications. Understanding the differences between humic and fulvic acid is critical for harnessing their full potential, no matter your intended use. Discover how humic and fulvic acids differ and which suits your needs.
Molecular Weight and Solubility
The primary distinction between humic and fulvic acids is their molecular structure. Humic acid, the larger molecule of the two, is characterized by its high molecular weight, which contributes to its role as a soil conditioner. It improves the soil's water retention, structure, and fertility. Given its size, humic acid is not as soluble in water, especially at low pH levels. In contrast, fulvic acid presents a much lower molecular weight and is highly soluble across the entire pH spectrum.
Nutrient Delivery and Uptake
Fulvic acid shines in nutrient uptake and use. Due to its small molecular size and high oxygen content, fulvic acid can easily penetrate cells for the absorption and assimilation of nutrients. Fulvic acid is a chelating agent, binding to minerals and making them more available. On the other hand, humic acid plays an indirect role. It enhances nutrient availability but does not partake in transportation and absorption.
Soil pH and Microbial Activity
While both acids aid in modifying soil pH toward a more neutral value, they do so in different ways. Humic acid, with its buffering capacities, can neutralize acidic and alkaline soils and create a more conducive environment for microbial life. It enhances microbial activity by providing a carbon source for beneficial soil organisms. Fulvic acid contributes to soil pH adjustment and is particularly effective in acidic conditions due to its high solubility.
Environmental Stability and Persistence
Humic acid outlasts fulvic acid in environmental stability. Its large molecular weight lends to a composition that is less prone to degradation over time. Additionally, humic acid remains in the soil for a while, gradually releasing its benefits. Fulvic acid is more transient in the soil environment but provides immediate advantages due to its quick interaction with plant roots and foliage.
Understanding the differences between humic and fulvic acids will help your decision-making in your applications. FulvicXcell are humic and fulvic acid manufacturers offering quality products and good manufacturing practices that enhance the many benefits and applications of humic and fulvic acid. We sell humic and fulvic acid in both powder and liquid form. Order your supply of humic or fulvic acid today!